Monthly Archives: September 2018

Bonfire of the Vanities #metoo Edition

The Kavanaugh situation is a lot like Tom Wolfe’s novel The Bonfire of the Vanities. Too bad he couldn’t live to see it come to life.   Replace the Wall Street tycoon with a DC Judge and it makes a lot of sense.  Kavanaugh was not driving the vehicle that ran over Ms. Ford, and we aren’t really sure who it was. And she wasn’t killed, or raped even but frightened maybe.   But no one seems to care, it fits their narrative well enough; White Male, did something or other against a woman.  So we destroy his life.  Everyone wants in on the action it’s ‘women’s’ leaders instead of black leaders willing to do anything and Ms. Ford is just the device they use to get it.  And even the tycoon plays the game in the end to get himself off.  He bends the rules but everyone is doing it, it works, and no one seems to care about the rules anyway.

bonfire_largeOn the Bonfire are not the Renaissance idols of 1497, the event for which Tom takes his title, instead the Democrats are burning everything in the blaze of #metoo, in an attempt to get Donald Trump. The rule of law, the Sixth Amendment, the rules of the Senate, burn it all.  Let’s be honest the #metoo movement would never have begun had it not been for Trump’s election.  Like all disingenuous things the Left does, the abused women were just a tool to stick it to Trump.  And in the interim they burned a lot of their donors and heroes even, from Matt Lauer, to Charlie Rose to of course Harvey the hollywood Liberal donor Weinstein.  And somehow just by piling up bodies, their liberal bodies, it’s an inditement of all men and therefore all Conservatives.

The key to this Kavanaugh mess is in another book by Wolfe, I Am Charlotte Simmons.  Which is really a gut wrenching read.  A quiet country girl walks into the buzz saw of college life, armed only with a lame notion of herself, and gets eaten alive.  Wolf accurately describes this situation as it is, or was recently on many college campuses.  Just as he accurately portrayed the media circus and the identity politics circus in Bonfire.  But where did this mess come from?  It came from the same liberals who now use the chaos they created to attack their political enemies.  It’s a lot like when little sister pokes big brother until he gets upset and then he is in trouble.  The moral degradation of this Animal House repeated daily on every campus across this nation is their creation. Charlotte Simmons passed around by the whole football team is their creation.  Somehow now it’s our fault.

You don’t have to tell me about how many women are abused, by our culture.  I might suggest; “all of them”. But this is the culture created by the free and easy love generation of 1968 and Woodstock, the same feminist wackos now driving #metoo.  In this culture women are pushed off to college, shamed for daring to think about having a family, and told they can sleep around just like a man.  Both sexes are filled as full of sexual ideas as is possible by their Planned Parenthood sponsored ‘sex ed’ classes and further stirred up by a sex obsessed culture around them, and then placed in an environment increasingly less monitored by social conventions or actual parents.  This by feminist design.  What do you think is going to happen?  I can tell you what happens, from personal experience, the women are abused.  They are emotionally damaged, confused and jaded and in ever increasing numbers,  diseased.  The ones who don’t hunker down and blame men are almost more scary than the ones who do.  Women who are fine with being passed around are more disturbing than those who are emotionally traumatized.    But this is the mess these 1968 liberals gave us.  They knew that ‘sex ed’ would lead to more sex, and more abortions, as every study shows.  They knew the connection between birth control, pornography, abortion and the breakdown of the family.  That’s what they wanted, that’s what they got and now they want to blame straight laced white Christians who might want to endanger that world.

FE74281580-2Before this sexual revolution daughters were protected by fathers.  That was the whole beauty of the marriage ceremony, the proud father hands over his virgin daughter.  He had done his duty, he had kept her pure. Without the little faux-platonic friend in high school, molesting her in the middle of the night.  Without being tossed into the sea of college to pursue that necessary I-can-be-a-man-career and grabbing the first guy who floats by and seduces you into his bed, for security.  Without that body insecurity finally being quenched by that older guy who lulls you into his back seat with those much desired compliments.  As you scare off these abusers and try to rebuild these women, you really come to appreciate the value of that virginity.  Before virginity was mocked in Hollywood as some sort of social disorder, it was cherished.  Women could live in a world where they didn’t have a list a mile long of wrongs done by the last guy. Wrongs you can never atone for.  This is the Liberals’ brave new world.  They made this mess.  And we shouldn’t sit by and take abuse from people who got their wish.  We need to destroy them.  This whole thing is about maintaining this world.  Keeping the responsibilities and the created purpose of sex separate from anyone’s mind as they fornicate.  Liberals don’t care about women being abused.  They are on to the next thing,  abusing children by convincing them to get gender mutilation surgery and reinforcing the mental disorder of gender confusion.  Christians need to protect their daughters and train their sons to be protective men, as Christians always have, regardless of how the world mocks you.

What we don’t have in this whole Kavanaugh story, is the Morgan Freeman character from Bonfire calling the whole circus to a halt and lecturing everyone on what the purpose of the law is.  It’s not a tool for sticking it to people you don’t like or a side show to make you famous or a way to advance your political cause.  It’s about decency. It’s about what your grandma taught you.  But they don’t care about decency and they hate grandma, she was probably a racist.  They  only care about keeping their murder mills open.

Civics Starter Kit

How did we get here?  How did the Senate become such a joke?  I think it’s because our civic education has been all but non existent in the past few generations.  So I compiled some easily accessible resources to begin the long slow process of turning this ship of state around.  George Grant has said that, in a way every act of learning is an act of repentance.  It is confessing that we don’t know something which we should, and doing something about it.  Our nation needs repentance, in many areas, and civic education is not to be neglected.  Our system is built upon generations of faithful Christians attempting to work out their faith in public organization.  Before modernism taught us to think of everything including ourselves and our public arrangements as machines, Christians were thinking Biblically about how to live and arrange ourselves on this planet before a Holy God.  They called it Political Philosophy.  It was an art requiring finesse, diligent study which leads to wisdom, and a lot of prayer.  The key to a successful future is looking back.


Scene at the Signing of the Constitution of the United States. Howard Chandler Christy. 1940. Key.

The Problem

These are a couple of studies, because we moderns love numbers, outlining the problem; higher education simply does not teach American History or Civics.  I would like to lay a lot of the blame at the feet of the Democrats and the Academic Liberals.  As these studies show the ivy league is completely derelict in its duty to teach these things.  And this stands in stark contrast to Christian Private Universities which go out of there way to teach these things.  Liberals have an interest in an ignorant populace, it’s much easier to sell Socialism and Communism to them.  Conservative Christians have an interest in preserving the work of our forefathers and building upon it. This is why they want more banana republic illegals and we want more citizens.  They deliberately tear us down, we must build back up.

This study done by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI) points out that many students in the ivy League actually do worse on tests as outgoing seniors than they did as incoming freshmen.  Students became less educated about these important things by going to schools like Yale, Brown and Georgetown.

Press Release:

Full Website, including the study, findings and other resources:

The American Council of Trustees and Alumni(ACTA) had similar findings “just 23 of the institutions among the 76 deemed to be the ‘best’ by US News & World Report’s 2016 rankings require history majors to take at least one US history course”  And it goes on from there.

ACTA Report, A Crisis in Civic Education:



Primary Sources

The Best way to learn any subject is to use primary sources.  Do you want to know about an event?  Ask someone who was there.  Do you want to know what a scientist discovered?  Read his research.  Do you want to know why an author wrote a story as he did?  Read what he wrote about it.  Do you want to know about the ballot initiatives you are voting on?  Go and read them.

The Primary source of the United States is the Constitution, it’s very clearly and concisely written, because our government was meant to be accessible:

The Constitution:

Amendments 1-10 known as the Bill of Rights:

Later amendments 11-27:

The Declaration of Independence, lays out the reason for our separation with England has always been considered a sister document to The Constitution:


Surrounding the ratification of The Constitution were a series of debates which were originally newspaper articles, know as the Federalist Papers and Anti-Federalist PapersThe Federalist Papers discussed improvements which their writers thought necessary to our original governing document, The Articles of Confederation.  The Anti Federalists were opposed.

Federalist Papers:

Anti Federalist Papers:

Debate on the Constitution Timeline:

The Articles of Confederation:


There were many important documents leading up to the Constitution, including one of the earliest the document drafted on the Mayflower between the enterprising settlers, the Mayflower Compact:

Following The Constitution, George Washington’s Farewell Address has long been treasured for it’s wisdom:

This two volume set includes most of the important documents from the founding:

Wall Builders has one of the largest collections of early American Documents anywhere:


Understanding Primary Sources

These are some great lectures on The Constitution:

Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI) has a wealth of information on Conservative Thought

Their archive which includes over 500 lectures from past and present including many debates:

Their website has a lot of resources and current events:

They also publish a number of fine books on many subjects:

A good place to start is understanding America is their list of 11 Thinkers:


On Contemporary Issues and the Constitution:

The Claremont Institute:

National Review:


Collections On America

George Grant’s, The American Patriot’s Handbook includes a lot of documents, speeches and even songs:

William Bennett has a collection organized as and Almanac so you can get a little each day:

The American Vision has a lot of resources:

They published a collection of early American sermons, which is actually free for a few more hours:


A Couple of Wise Men

The Right Honorable Edmund Burke was one of the wisest men of his time and his wisdom lays the foundation for much of American Conservatism.  In his book Reflections on the Revolution in France he lays out the difference between the American and French Revolutions and why the French would fail, where the American Revolution succeeded.



In his speech before the English Parliament, he encouraged his colleagues to let the United States leave rather than fight a war.  He was proven correct.

Speech on Conciliation with America, Audio:
Speech on Conciliation with America, Text:


Frédéric Bastiat is one of he clearest and most concise economists ever to live.  His essays The Law and That Which is Seen, and That which is Not Seen, are essential reading for any American.




Modern Realism

The modern obsession with realism is really disappointing.   Our movies, novels and plays are ‘gritty’ and ‘earthy’ and ‘true to life’ .  We get upset by portrayals that are not completely possible or scientifically accurate.  Countless blogs are dedicated to debunking the ‘science’ in this or that  movie, and testing whether the car would have done this in real life in this particular blockbuster explosion.  Of course there still seems to be a place for the fantastic superhero movies.  But even these must have some scientifically viable plot lines.  A genetically modified spider, a wormhole or just really good engineering.  And given enough time in this world, even mutants and super heroes are bound to happen.

songofsolomonThis outlook is also very prominent in our educational system.  The humanities are constantly belittled.  Degrees in History, Literature, and Art are chided, “what are you going to do, with that?”  The STEM fields are deified.  And the fact that women don’t often choose them is turned into a societal crisis on par with slavery.  “How dare we relegate women to humanities!”  Even the non-sciences are trying to get in on the game, by calling themselves social sciences.  All those things that women did in the home are now relegated to governments run by professionals in child psychology, early child hood development, and other faux sciences.  They are painted up with statistics and everyone pretends they haven’t destroyed yet another generation of children by treating them like a product in a factory assembly line.  We ignore  thousands of years of wisdom passed down to us, the one thing that makes us human.  But we can’t study that history, it is not real or scientific enough for us.  Like Rodney Dangerfield, that type of knowledge gets no respect.  The only purpose we have for history or literature is to teach it to our little grade schoolers.  The reason why we do this is still unclear to me.

This problem is also deeply skewing the Church.  It’s called systematic theology or literal reading.  This approach to Scripture is resulting in all sorts of distorted theology and even more distorted practice.  A lack of respect for historical events and the transmission of history through manuscripts or any other form of human tradition, undermines the soul of Christianity.  By trying to turn these studies into some form of science,in a desperate attempt to give them credibility on the modern stage, liberal scholars really make fools of themselves.  They analyze the gospel manuscripts and concoct the intermediate gospel of Q.  Which somehow God and his Church accidentally laid aside.  It’s a lot like Darwin’s missing link, which they are still looking for, somewhere in Africa I believe.  It’s buried right next to that copy of Q in gold leaf.  And even more conservative theologians are not unaffected by such thinking.  By imposing our modern hyper-literal-scientism back on ancient peoples and their texts, we miss a lot and distort a lot more.

But I will let you in on a little secret, before the hyper realism movement, people knew what real life was.  The whole point of myth, allegory and faerie land was not to escape or ignore reality.  It was to teach us more about reality by showing our world to us in a different way.  Through the looking glass, we see ourselves but also, not ourselves.  Everyone knows what evil is, everyone knows bad things happen, everyone knows what real is, we are living it every day.  That is the problem, we are so immersed in our world that it looses it’s meaning, it looses it’s enchantment.  And so it must be reenchanted for us. As Chesterton said “Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed.”  These tales put the real world in its proper place.  They give meaning to all the facts our senses are taking in every day.  Meaning which we would not have by ourselves.  Because there is more to life that ourselves.  And without that, all the gritty experience are just meaningless wanderings.  The point was always that there is more to this world than what you see before you.  There is a vast world of the metaphysical, and we all have a sense of this which is why faerie land can reach out and touch us.  We long for it, we have a desire like hunger and thirst for it, sehnsucht, as C. S. Lewis explained it.  To kill this impulse is not more real, it is realism.  It is to deny the metaphysical, to deny the Christian.  It is to walk by sight and not by faith(II Corinthians 5:7).  We are supposed to be knights fighting the dragon, not having gritty mundane experiences.

And so, our pastors amass their professional degrees and sit in their church labs and dissect the texts with a microscope and a scalpel trying to find the exact, precise, the only meaning of a text.  As if there were only one.  As if language were so regimented and inhuman.  As if the Lord God of the Universe had sent us a secret code instead of a Man Jesus the Christ.  The Bible Scientist then  puts all these chopped up pieces into little boxes and calls them systematic theology.  Then he uses these boxes to come up with all sorts of crazy theories like the rapture.  Misunderstanding the rich metaphor of a bride running out to meet her bridegroom, which encouraged early Christians.  He tries to decipher who the Anti-Christ is, it can only be one person, as if these verses were a time capsule, confusing to everyone but us, right now today.  It’s all about us you know?  And we dare to criticize every faithful Christian before we invented this hyper realism.  “They were allegorizing the text” don’t you know?  No, I don’t know.  I think they knew the text and so were free to go beyond it.  They wove the images of scripture into their world.  When your whole culture knows the Bible and it’s images so well, you are free to make puns, and comparisons and metaphors from the text.  You can outline everything you do based on threes and sevens.  You can refer to difficult things in your life as Goliath.  Everyone knows you are not David.  They know who David was.  And now you are comparing that situation to your situation.  That’s how language works, it’s poetic.  That’s how new meaning is created and conveyed. Claiming some sort of high ground by pointing out that you are really not the real David, just makes you an ass, or perhaps a modern.  And that is the point.  There is a major split between our world and the medieval world.  Because scientific innovation has benefitted us in so many ways, we have come to depend and even to worship science.  We can’t imagine a world before the hyper literal.  It takes a lot of empathy to put ourselves in the minds of ancient peoples.  And so many today have simply declined to do so.  They are content attacking the growing few who are trying to bring it back.  And that is what is hopeful, many people are trying to bring it back. These modern trends are being resisted by something older.  The value of story and individual gifting is coming back.  The monolithic insanity of modernism is being pushed back.  Keep up the fight against this dragon too.


Ed Jaeger

I have been very blessed for the past 20 years by the teaching of Edwin Jaeger.  He is an avid reader and a life time learner, which makes these classes so rich and insightful.  They are a tour de force of  recent history, Biblical Palestine and the Biblical Narrative.

Ed was born in Chicago Illinois in 1930, he attended Columbia Bible College where he received a BA in  Christian education.  He also received an MA from Wheaton Graduate School.  He spent many years as a missionary in Iran, where one of his projects was translating the Bible into Persian.  He also taught for many years, including at Prairie Bible Institute in Alberta and at Montana Bible College.  These two courses were given to an adult Sunday School group at Grace Bible Church in Bozeman, from 1996 to 1998.  I hope they will be a blessing to you as well.

These lectures are available for download or streaming.  To get the notes for a lecture click on the shopping cart button.

Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament


Progressive Revelation 


How to Get Along With the Old Man

Party Girl #meToo

We live in a culture which glorifies drunken parties as a right of passage.  Even a lot of Christians think this is the natural path:  Grow up in a Christian Home—>Sew Your Wild Oats/Rebel—>Dramatic Conversion Experience(DCE).   The culture at large will overlook all these indiscretions—if you are a Democrat.  If not, the rules of social discourse do not apply to you, but every jot and tittle of any law does.  It’s open season.  This is how tyranny works.  You put down a heavy quilt of rules and regulations, and you selectively enforce them.  The ‘in’ crowd does whatever they want and everyone they don’t like can be gotten, we’re only following the law.  This is why the serial sexual abuse by the Clintons is overlooked and a Republican who asked someone on a date is lambasted for being a creepy stalker.  This is why the drug filled eunuch/homosexual/effete Barry Soetoro is still all but unknown while the acts of Republicans in high school are a topic of national debate.

Being a party girl is what?  Cute?  Natural? Just how it is?  Feminism winning something?  Then when she get’s pregnant she becomes the eternal victim-heroine the ‘single mom’.

Instagram 'model' Tammy Hembrow, hauled away on a stretcher from a Kardashian party.  The mother of two thinks, "When I was 16, I was partying too hard and was a little too rebellious."  Yeah just back it off enough to not end up in the hospital.  That will be socially acceptable, your child be damned.

Instagram ‘model’ Tammy Hembrow, hauled away on a stretcher from a Kardashian party. The mother of two thinks, “When I was 16, I was partying too hard and was a little too rebellious.” Yeah just back it off enough to not end up in the hospital. That will be socially acceptable, your two children be damned. Party on ‘single mom’!

The truth is, she was a sinner then and possibly a sinner now .  She chose to make a complete idiot into a father, damning her kid to one of two bad fates.  If she got the abortion and became the professor-activist, she is just perpetuating the party girl evil of paganism, as she tramples the body of her child to reach her selfish goal.  She drinks wine now from a fine glass rather than whatever cheap beer from a solo cup and she is the head of some feminist studies club at her university.  She is a success in our world.  But she is merely destroying others as she destroyed herself and her child.  And if she had the kid, that’s no guarantee that the party girl has reformed either, she might still be getting hauled out of parties on a slab.  There is always a chance she has reformed, and forgiveness should flow easily, but why do we assume this automatically?  And what about the abuse this causes to each child individually and to our culture as a whole, as the bodies pile up?

Either way her sins are strangely overlooked, even by Christians.  They blame the men, because everyone blames the men.  Because feminism won, feminism replaces Original Sin with Males.  But when do the feminists get any responsibility?  They wanted all the power and the ability to choose and do whatever they wanted.  When are the results of those decision attributed to them?  Oh they get credit when the results are good,  but when they are bad, they get a pass.  Everyone blames the men.  We forget that Sapphira was struck dead and dragged away independent of her husband.  She was complicit, she was also held responsible.

And that gets to the nature of false accusations.  When they do occur, where is the punishment?  Her words attempted to destroy a man, yet will she be destroyed if they are found to be false?  Most of the time the answer is ‘no’.  Scripture is clear if you Bear False Testimony, you receive the punishment that the person you are accusing would have received. (Deuteronomy 19:18,19)   It’s one of the Ten Commandments.  That Commandment is not just about lying it’s about damning someone to judgement based on your words.  It’s about corrupting Justice.  How apt for a people so obsessed with Social Justice, or at least talking about Social Justice.  When you bear false testimony, you corrupt Justice.  This is often what Scripture means when it talks about the poor and downtrodden being oppressed.  It’s not that we didn’t give them enough things or redistribute enough wealth.  It’s that we didn’t give them a fair hearing in court when they brought their complaints before the Magistrate.  The Judge was paid off, or someone bore false testimony and the poor and the weak were not able to get Justice.  They were not able to have things made right, to have their property restored to them, or to have punishment exacted in exchange for physical violence. Or perhaps they were just thrown in jail to get them out of the way.  The rules for a trial were put in place for a reason.  They have been sorely bloated in our day.  A speedy, fair trial is all but impossible.  Judges pass out judgements like they are candy from an eternal candy mountain.  He who has the most lawyers wins.  But the basic burden of proof, more than one witness, legitimate evidence and the rest of the classic process was put in place to ensure correct outcomes.  We throw this out the window in favor of a new system of Social Justice in the Court of Public Opinion:

1.  Women are always right.  Unless they are conservative or there is another racial minority or sexual perversion in play, they they are always right.

2.   A media frenzy is as good as a trial.

3.  Democrats alway trump Republicans

4.  White men are guilty of everything, and some things we didn’t think up yet.

5.  Large companies are wrong, unless they are hip, which means they believe in LGBTQWERTY and murdering babies.

6.  Government officials are always right, unless they are white cops.

This is the stupid we all need to stop tolerating. DCE is not as important as generational faithfulness, of the type practiced by every Christian until the past few generations.  By allowing this to be the norm we are complicit. And  more specifically to these types of accusations.  Take into account what wisdom should teach us.  Men tend to sin overtly by doing violent brash things like rape.  Women tend to sin by subtle manipulative things like lying.  Both are very destructive.  Neither is acceptable in the eyes of God.

Of course this does not excuse the behavior of any male, the party girl’s father, her first abusive boyfriend or the guy who got her pregnant without marrying her.  But being hard on men is not a thing our culture currently struggles with.  Our culture, right now, has a problem with holding any woman to account, for any sin any where any time.  There are many single moms who have been put in a tough situation, abandoned, or abused by men.  There are women who have become widows.  But there are also many party girls who are treated like widows unfairly.  And in some communities this is encouraged, in many cases because of the social status bump in promises.  It is certainly encouraged by our welfare system.  This is not grace, this is cultural enablement.  It is lowering the standard and allowing evil to take over.  And sentencing future generations to a bad life.  That’s not love.  That’s not Christianity.  It’s stupid.



The Evil of the Age – Slaughter of the Innocents c.1871

147 years ago this article published in the New York Times, by Augustus S. Clair helped begin a movement which was the end of legal Abortion, at least until Roe v. Wade brought it back.  No back-alley abortions here.  Instead you found the decadent trappings reminiscent of a brothel from a hollywood western.  Today we dress up our murder centers to look like a doctor’s offices rather than brothels.  But the underlying, pagan evil is still the same. George Grant covers this story in detail and in context in his book Third Time Around: A History  of the Pro-Life Movement from the First Century to the Present.

This reformation stands in stark contrast to the similar exposé kicked off by David Daleiden.  Daleiden exposed a greater evil and was charged with “14 felony counts of unlawfully recording people without their permission — one count for each person — as well as one count of conspiracy to invade privacy. ” Our nation has experienced Christian revivals before The First and Second Great Awakenings.  But this time we try to put the messenger in jail.  A messenger who uncovered some of the worst most disgusting behavior in human history.  At a time when we ‘mericans pride ourselves on being scientific and advanced, because someone in China can make us an iPhone, the slaughter and sale of human body parts goes on in every major American City.

There are PDF images of the original article available on the New York University ‘Undercover’ website.  Which seems to be an attempt of the Liberals to revel in their heroic past, while today the Times  defends Planned Parenthood.   Grant points out that St. Claire was a descendent of Dutch Reformers, that is he was a Christian. Christians expose the truth and there used to be some at the New York Times.  Today, they revel in death, they are post-Christians, just like all the pre-Christian pagans.  Or perhaps worse according to St. Peter, II Peter 2:21.

I post this here in a more accessible format than their PDF’s.  The NYU website includes some of the follow up articles in the series.  I may include them later.  I find it interesting that this article was 3543 words while the average article today is 1200 words.  These were a more intelligent people and far more receptive to moral arguments.



The Evil of the Age

Slaughter of the Innocents—Open Trade in Crime—Where Vice is Nurtured— The Moral and Physical Nature Both Destroyed—Scenes Described by Eye Witnesses.

The Enormous amount of medical malpractice that exists and flourishes, almost unchecked in the City of New-York, is a theme for most serious consideration.  Thousands of human being are thus murdered before they have seen the light of this world, and thousands upon thousands more of adults are irremediably ruined in constitution, health and happiness.  So secretly are these crimes committed and so craftily do the perpetrators inveigh their victims, that it is next to impossible to obtain evidence and witness.  Facts are so artfully concealed from the public mind, and appearances so carefully guarded, that very meagre outlines of the horrible truth have thus far been disclosed.  But could even a portion of the fact that have been detected in frightful profusion, by the agents of the Times, be revealed in print, in their hideous truth, the reader would shrink from the appalling picture.

More than once, some of the fearless and eminent of the clergy have spoken upon this theme from their pulpits.  They have declared the existence of these great evils in social life—alike denounced and forbidden by the law of God and man.  The records of our criminal courts also occasionally afford indications of the horrible degree and amount of depravity already referred to.  Indeed, language can scarcely exaggerate the actual fact.   There is a systematic business in the wholesale murder conducted by men and women in this City, that is seldom detected, rarely interfered with, and scarcely ever punished by law.

The men and women who are engage in this outrageous business are, with few exceptions, the worst class of impostors.  Very few have genuine medical diplomas.  Some are, or have been, nurses, and thus picked up fragments of knowledge, but are lamentably devoid of scientific education; in some cases they are ridiculously ignorant of the commonest rudiments of ordinary branches of learning.  Some are said to have purchased diplomas, which it is reported can be obtained at certain Pennsylvania and Vermont institutions for $40 each.  One man procured the diploma of a deceased physician, erased the name by some chemical process, and inserted his own.  These documents are framed and conspicuously displayed in the “office.” to attract the first glance of the dupes who may enter.

Very rarely do these persons use their true names.  Nearly all have one or more aliases.  One fellow who appends “M.D.” to his circulars, was recently a cobbling shoemaker—and a very poor one at that. Suddenly he closed his shop, moved to another part of town, and was metamorphosed into a “doctor.” Another was formerly a barber.  Another was a horse-shoer.  Another was a glazier.  The female practitioners generally have been nurses or midwives.  Almost invariably they are in partnership with a man “doctor,” and are titled “madame,” or in some cases “doctor.”  Lady patients, of course, prefer to call upon a “madame” in delicate cases, and are willing to converse freely with her. The ice being broken, the forbidding subject fully broached, and the purposes of the visit all developed, the “madame” calls in her “husband,” (?) the “doctor,” (?) who really then assumes charge of all that is afterward done.  What the “medical treatment” subsequently may be cannot with propriety be here described.  Any respectable physician knows the nature of the various methods in vogue.  He also knows that they are all illegal, unprofessional, and extremely perilous.

A prominent Christian lady, a doctor, or “doctress,”  greatly esteemed for her social virtues, has very often been approached with the most tempting offers of fees for such service, and always argues and dissuades the applicant form thus sinning.  In one case where a wealthy man, accompanied by a young girl insisted, she caused his arrest, and although he held a position of wealth and position he was prosecuted.  There are a great number of educated male and female physicians in or near this City, who live and thrive by these criminal practices.  There are others who are the vilest of quacks.  Of the latter there are about two hundred.  Most of these have offices where they receive, consult with, and examine patients, but have no nursing rooms attached.  The place is cunningly arranged.  The other hall door is open; the inner one is closed. Over the glass is a thick lace curtain, through which a keen eyed attendant peers.  When the patient enters he sums up in his mind what his or her circumstances may be.  He then steps into the hall, opens the front room door, and politely ushers them in.  Two eye-holes in the folding doors afford the “doctor” a full view from the back room.  Similar arrangements are provided at other places, so that a dissatisfied or an incurable dupe may be seen, and the “doctor” can slip out of the back door and be “not in.”  Sometimes an ostentatious display of instruments, bottles, and drugs is made for effect.  The preliminary conversation is cheerful and polite, but brief.  Then to business.  A smatter of medical talk follows, then an explanation of symptoms, an examination, and the payment of the fee.  A box of “pills,”  a phial of liquid “drops,” or sometimes powders, are given, and the patient is bowed out.

A retired practitioner told the writer: “I never did any harm to these patients.  I knew they were determined to get some one to do what they wished.  If it was done, on or perhaps two, lives would be sacrificed.  So I pretended, and thus saved life.  I gave them pills of paste, rhubarb and sugar; and colored water slightly flavored; and when they would return, angry because the desired effect had not been produced, I said that I must adopt more severe measures, As you may imagine, I made just as much show in that.  I had an arrangement with a clergyman to leave the dates on the certificate blank! Or if a wedding was impossible, I advised them to go to nursing-rooms, let nature take it’s course and adopt the ‘result.’ “

Undoubtedly a large number of quacks in the country, as well as in the City, practice the same method, and thus the fools and their money are parted.  There are others, however, who pursue a widely different course.  They compound and prescribe the most dangerous drugs, with reckless disregard of human suffering and life, and venture upon operations that are always hazardous, and not unfrequently fatal.  the case of most recent notoriety was that of Dr. “Lookup” Evans, who was recently convicted and sentenced in the Court of General Sessions to five years’ imprisonment in the State Prison.  A description of his horrible den in Chatham-street, when pounced upon by the police, has already been given, in these columns.  The evidences of the guilt found there were of the most conclusive nature.  Human flesh, supposed to have been the remains of infants, was found in barrels of lime and acids, undergoing decomposition.  He came here from Scotland about twenty years ago, with no medical education whatever.  Stubborn energy, active perseverance, and an undaunted boldness appear to have forced his guilty success.  His first alias was “Old Dr. Ward.”  Subsequently he assumed a number of other, among which were “Dr. Powers,” “Dr. Evans,” “Dr. Thompson,” “Dr. Elliot,” &c. The reckless bravado of this wretch may be inferred from the circumstances that when he was released on bail upon the charge that looked so black against him, he opened an office in Ann-street and Gold-street, and continued to transact a brisk business.  It is said that he advertised to the extent of $1,000 per week, and received a daily average of 400 letters, most of which inclosed money for “pills.”  In this nefarious business he had amassed a fortune of $100,000, a portion of which is invested in a splendid farm near Jamaica, Long Island.  It is believed that his infamous business is even now conducted by hired deputies in Gold-street.

At No. 129 Liberty-street is a sign: “Dr. Mauriceau” —“Office.”  A gentleman recently called there.  He was ushered from one to the next room, and the door between was closed and locked.  the person who represented himself as the doctor of a comely exterior, about fifty years of age, and of bland and courteous manner.  He reposed comfortably in an easy revolving-chair, and seemed more like a benevolent Samaritan than a designing adventurer.  “Are you Dr. Mauriceau?” was asked. “Yes; what can I do for you?” was the smiling reply, accompanied by a keen penetrating gaze.  “I called to ascertain if you could relieve a lady of physical difficulty,” (describing the symptoms of the supposed patient.) “I can, Sir,” “Without danger?” “Yes, Sir—have had thousands of cases—have them all the time and never had any trouble at all.”  “How long will it take, where will she be treated, and what are the terms?” “ A week or less, and I can find accommodations, up-town, very elegant, and the terms will be reasonable.  But I must see the lady first before I say anything further.”

The history of this man’s career is very interesting.  His true name is said to be “Loman.”  “Mme. Restell” is his reputed wife.  He was formerly a printer, but his “madame” induced him to abandon that honorable occupation.  Years ago he published a book, entitled Dr. Maureeau’s Medical Companion.  The entire work is said to have been plagiarized from a French author.  What medical education he may claim to possess, was picked up in his own haphazard way.  The following is a specimen of his advertisement in the New-York Herald—a paper which contains strings of disgraceful advertisements:

A GREAT AND SURE REMEDY FOR MARRIED LADIES—The Portuguese Female Pills always give immediate relief, being specially prepared for married ladies.  A lady writes:  “ These pills relieved me in one day, without inconvenience, like magic.” Price $5. Dr. A. M. Mauriceau, Office 129 Liberty-street, or sent by mail.

These shameful notices appear in the Herald every day.  It is said that nearly $60,000 per annum is invested by this couple in advertising.

A lady and a gentleman who entered Mme. Restell’s house in Fifth-avenue last week, relate the following: “there is a broad, heavily-plated sign on the iron gates on one side, labeled ‘office.’ We descended three steps and stood in a plain but handsome hallway.  A silken cord descended from the ceiling.  This we pulled, and almost as soon as the bell tinkled within, the door was opened by a handsome young lady, who, as we afterward were told, was one of the ‘Madame’s daughters.  ‘Is Mme. Restell in?’  we asked. ‘Yes; walk in’ she replied, carefully locking the door. We were ushered into a small darkened room, in the furthest front corner of the basement, apparently under the great flight of steps at the entrance.  We groped our way to the sofa, and had just sat down when the Madame entered herself.  ‘Well, what can I do for you?’ she asked.  ‘Can you relieve a lady of a physical difficulty?’ ‘That depends upon the circumstances.’  A supposititious case was stated, and she promptly replied, ‘there will be no difficulty about that.  Of course such affairs are expensive, you know.  The charge will be —.’ Just then a sharp, quick rap was heard upon the door, and a voice from without exclaimed, ‘Ma, I want to speak with you a moment.’ The Madame retired a moment, and we could hear a brief but rapid colloquy. The next instant she returned, and in evident trepidation said, ‘I can sell you some pills, but really we do no other business.  We have had so much trouble about these matters we don’t take any more risks.  In all the six years that we have lived in this house there has never a stranger slept under the roof—none in fact but our own family.’ “ Other parties who have been there had a different experience. madame was not unsusceptible to the allurement of large fees.

Only the Police authorities have anything like an adequate idea of the gigantic dimensions of this evil.  Every day adds new indications.  That the number of murders from this cause is not generally known is easily accounted for.  All the parties interested have the strongest motives to unite in hushing the scandal.

A.—Ladies’ Physician.—Dr. H. D. Grindle, professor of midwifery, twenty-five years’ successful practice in this City, guarantees certain relief to ladies in trouble, with or without medicine; sure relief to the most anxious patient at one interview; elegant rooms for ladies requiring nursing. Office—.

A. —Madame Grindle, Female Physician, guarantees relief to all female complaints; pleasant rooms for nursing.

The foregoing advertisement has for a long time appeared in the columns of the Herald and the other papers.  The history of these two worthies is peculiar.  The male member of the firm, if report tis correct, knows much more of shoe-making than of medicine.  His verbose circular ostentatiously  announces him as a “member of the New-York University,” &c., with twenty-five years’ experience. &c. His diploma is said to have been obtained but four years ago from a New-York Medial College at considerable expense.  The nature of his occupation is sufficiently well indicated in the advertisement without the necessity of further description.  He and his “Madame” transact an immense amount of business, in which they are reputed to have amassed a handsome fortune.  Formerly their premises were in Amity-place, but the  house becoming notorious they removed to their present locality in Twenty-sixth street, midway between Sixth and Seventh avenues.  The house is of the three-story and basement style, with rear extension, and has a capacity for about twenty patients.  It is appropriately surrounded by fashionable markets of infamy.  A huge silver plate upon the outer door bears “Dr. Grindle’s” name: a sign of similar pattern,bearing the “Madame’s” name, glares upon the inner door.  The interior is furnished with taste and elegance.  The parlors are spacious, and contain all the decorations, upholstery, cabinetware, piano, book-case, &c., that is found in a respectable home.  A lady and gentleman who recently called there related the following:

A  neat-looking lad ushered us into the parlor, and went after the “Madame.” A profusion of circulars were scattered over the center-tables, some of them being folded as if intended to be mailed.  Suddenly the door opened, and the Madame entered.  She is fair, fat, forty, and evidently vigorous, and keen in all her actions.  She addressed us with primping care, and in a voice as smooth as the flutter of a humming-bird.  “My dear friend,” she said, “we can do what you hint at, I understand the case.  We have had hundreds of them. Poor unfortunate women! How little they world knows how to appreciate their trials.  We think it our mission to take them and save them—a noble work it is, too.  But for some friendly hand like ours, how many, many blasted homes, scandalized churches and disorganized social circles there would be.  Why, my dear friends, you have no idea of the class of people that come to us.  We have had Senators, Congressmen and all sorts of politicians bring some of the first women in the land here.  Many—very many aristocratic married women come here—or we attend them in private houses.” “What are your charges, Madame?”  “Three hundred dollars covers all expenses, and  we see the patient through—unless it occupies more than a week.  Then we charge an extra medical fee, and board money.” “what about the child?” “Well, we adopt it out in good hands. One hundred dollars extra, is our fee for that.”  “But—if—not—a—child—what then?”  A quick rolling and flash of her glittering black eyes, a sprightly nod of the head, a finger placed on the lips, a knowing look and “Sh-h!” was the pantomimic reply. “We understand every branch of our business!” she exclaimed, with peculiar emphasis.

She stated that a more aristocratic but expensive nursing place could be furnished in West Twenty-third-street.  this place is sumptuously furnished and well kept  The best of nurses are employed.  Chapters of thrilling interest could be written upon the scenes within those elegant rooms. The pale—ghastly pale and remorseful-looking countenances of the sufferers are indexes to romances in real life more startling in their stern reality than any web of fiction.  How many bitter pangs, scalding tears and moans of agony were there.  The most pitiful sight was that of the babes, sleeping sweetly—evidently under the influence of mild opiates.  Fresh and fragrant flowers, and choice fruit were occasionally observed.  How many broken hearts and shattered lives these stray points eloquently speak of.  But more than that are the parting scenes between mother and child, when the later is taken away for adoption.  Twenty five dollars per week is charged for board at this place.

A. —Ladies in trouble guaranteed immediate relief, sure and safe; no fees required until perfectly satisfied; elegant rooms and nursing provided. Dr. Ascher, Amity-place, &c.

The above advertisement is clipped from the Herald.

“Dr. Ascher,” alias “Rosensweig,” of South Fifth-avenue, below Amity-street, claims to be a Russian, but his voice has the twang of a German Jew.  he is very bulky in figure, about forty years of age, and is said to know more of saloon business than of medicine, His diploma is said to have cost $40.  His house is a large three story and basement one, and is able to accommodate twelve patients.  He does a large business.  When called upon, he assures applicants: “These other fellows are all humpugsh; tey bromish to do someting vot they don’t do. I poshitively do all operashunush widout any danger, and as sheap as anybody.” The corpselike faces to be seen peering through the bedroom blinds are enough to horrify the stoutest-hearted passers by.

The following are brief notes of some of the others who advertise the same business:

The Police Gazette says that Dr. Shelden is the best physician for ladies in trouble. Thousands are relieved without accident. No. 241 Bleecker-street.

Dr. Shelden is said to have “read medicine” for a period of at least six seeks, in Ohio.  Fully aware of the effect of high-sounding professions and pretensions upon the unlettered populace, he was introduced to this City, some two or three years ago, as the late Demonstrator of Anatomy in medical college in Washington, and, as such, proffered his medial services in the foeticide professions. Naturally of a migratory temperament and habit, doubtlessly strengthened and confirmed by a bold and unscrupulous practice, he has seldom remained long in any one locality and under the same name, his many neighborhood legacies in the form of unsettled debts constituting the philosophy of the frequent transmutations.  Some of his aliases are, Dion, Leon, Hoi-Illius, the Arab. Clark, Powers, Evans, And Thompson.

The Herald also contains the following advertisement:

Attention. —Twenty years Prussian hospital experience. Private diseases always permanently cured without mercury.  Consultation free. Dr. Franklin, Bleecker-street.

Dr. Franklin’s real name is Jacoby, and formerly was a barber, who, until within three or four years past, conducted a shaving and hair-clipping saloon in Sixth-avenue.

This man, a German Jew, with no scientific and regular medical education, except what he has briefly gleaned from a confrère.  He parades a diploma—price, $40.

The following are in the same business, and advertise more or less: Mme. Van Buskirk.— This woman’s name is Gifford.  She came from New-Bedford, Mass. Her reputation there was an equivocal one, to say the least. This bold, bad woman was not long since arraigned for malpractice, and notwithstanding her narrow escape from punishment, still pursues her infamous profession with indomitable will and energy.

Mme. Maxwell, alias Costello.—This woman, a graduate of Mme. Restell’s when she was located in Chambers-street, notwithstanding her great age, still follows the iniquitous profession, and almost daily advertises that “she does not humbug ladies with medicine.” Mme. Worcester, Charles-street.—This woman is a veteran also in crime, and as a nurse, constitutes the medium of communication between the doctor and his female patient, operating as a screen for both in case of legal trouble.

The mails go burdened with the circulars of such people, and come laden with money enclosures for “pills,” “drops” and other vile humbugs.  The best home firesides in the land have been invaded by these advertisements, either in the newspaper or in letters. To what a frightful extent this outrage is rapidly increasing few can realize.  The facts herein set forth are but a fraction of a greater mass that cannot be published with propriety.  Certainly enough is here given to arouse the general public sentiment to the necessity of taking some decided and effectual action.

Published in the New York Times, August 27, 1871

Chuck Todd Gives Himself a Wedgie

Seriously this is the dumbest thing I have read in a while.

“The modern campaign against the American press corps has its roots in the Nixon era. President Richard Nixon’s angry foot soldiers continued his fight against the media even after he left office.

Roger Ailes, who went on to help found Fox News, was the most important of those figures. His sustained assault on the press created the conditions that would allow a president to surround himself with aides who argue for “alternative facts,” and announce that “truth isn’t truth.” Without Ailes, a man of Trump’s background and character could never have won. Roger Ailes was the godfather of the Trump presidency.”


F Chuck Todd, Maybe he can clean pools?

Roger Ailes is the evil mastermind using the media for his ends.  And no one else does that mind you.  The liberal “conventions of television journalism” are just stating the facts.  LOL!  It couldn’t be that the media has lost it’s credibility because they ‘only’ called out Nixon, not the Kennedys, Johnson, Clinton and their masterpiece Obama.  It has to be because Ailes manipulated the masses.  Just amazing blindness.  The whole genius of our founding was that everyone does this.  Everyone fights for their interests.  That’s how humans work.  That’s why we need debate instead of war.  That’s why we need checks and balances. That’s why we need minority rights by filibusters and split houses, and an electoral college.

 “The promise[of FOX NEWS] to be “balanced” was a coded pledge to offer alternative explanations, putting commentary ahead of reporting”

LOL!  They can’t say they are balanced but you can claim to have a corner on truth?  And where is the code?  They admit they have both sides.  They refer to their shows as ‘opinion’ and ‘commentary’. I suppose this article is hard-hitting journalism and not commentary.  The majority of CNN headlines are all commentary.  And so in lockstep with every other network and the Democrat Party, you wonder if they aren’t all faxing each other.  Oh wait they are.

“Ailes helped destroy Dukakis by making him seem an other to many Americans.”

Yeah, it couldn’t be that people liked Reagan, who won every state except MN, and wanted his policies to continue by electing his Vice President.  Talk about manufacturing a defeat by bashing the opposition.  Can anyone remember anything about Clinton’s victory over Bush except Dana Carvey incessantly repeating “Read my lips”?

“But Ailes exploited the public’s lack of knowledge of journalistic conventions, portraying reports about social change as advocacy for such change. He played up cultural fears, creating the mythology of a biased press.”

Seriously what a sick twisted version of reality.  Who cares about your stupid journalistic conventions?  I guess his Bill of Rights reads “The journalistic conventions I pulled out of my butt shall not be infringed upon.”  It is an established fact that the news coverage is 98 percent liberal at all major media outlets in every form of media.  And we are going to pretend that their news is not tailored to drive a certain agenda?  Which ideology was it which drove a man to start shooting politicians at a baseball practice?  That guy was a CNN puppet and he shot a Conservative,  Steve Scalise. Which ideology is marching violently in the street?  It’s ANTIFA which yesterday was Occupy Wall Street, and before that ACORN, which was Obama, who before that was Barry Soetoro.  Who was a social construct perpetrated by media alone.  He was a living myth.  We still no nothing about his past or even what he did while he was between speeches pretending to be running things.

“critics may be accusing journalists of having deliberately and consciously shaped their reporting to serve some political end. That sort of overt bias is far rarer. Ironically, the best example of this kind of bias airs regularly in prime time on Fox News.  “

LOL!  No you fool,  they aren’t shaping anything.  You are all so stupid, you just follow your programming.  You were all trained in the same idiotic schools, to think the same way. I believe you called it “journalistic conventions” earlier.  You are so deep in the Kool-Aid you don’t even realize it.    This is the problem with reading your own press.

 “And what did we reporters do in the face of this cable onslaught that would eventually turn into a social-media virus and lead us to the election of the most fact-free presidential candidate in American history? Nothing.  We did nothing, because we were trained to say nothing. Good reporters know that they have to let the chips fall where they may,”

Wait what now?  You did nothing?  I must have missed that, because I have been living in a world where 91% of every word out of every reporter’s mouth for the last two years has been bashing Trump.  And the list of ridiculous stories, which they attempted to use is unending.  The flagship of which is a totally fake, ‘investigation’ into Russian ‘meddling’.  Whatever that is. I think it has to do with the medley of mixed nuts working at any given has-been news outlet. And the Mr. Muller Nut on the can.

“to the biggest missed news story of the 21st century—the lack of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq”

This article really is a catalog of delusional stupid for the past decade.  When did this story get missed?  When you people used it to create ISIS and weaken the US Military, for political ends?  When it got your Marxist patsy Obama into the White House?  And what about the growing number of troops developing cancer, related to weaponized carcinogens they encountered in Iraq?  What about the nerve gas Assad has been using on his own people, which everyone knows came from Iraq?  I’ll wait for the patient, unbiased reporting on that one from your ‘reporters’.  I mean it’s only been a dozen years or so.

“I’m fully aware that some entity will try to tarnish this piece simply because I work at a news organization that, yes—gasp—has made mistakes.”

This is the best you can do at anticipating criticism of this insane screed?  But thank you for reminding us of NBC’s  Tom Brokaw and Chris Matthews and Matt Lauer and their  serial abuse of women.  Abuse which your crack squad of savvy motivated journalist were unable to see right under their noses.  Let us not forget Brian Williams and his tall tales.  And since you are so cozy with all the journalists except Fox News.  You surely want to own your buddy Dan Rather’s forged documents over there at CBS.

“The same can’t be said for the manipulators who aren’t playing by any set of serious journalistic rules.”

Which rules are those exactly?  Are those the rules that say you can send thousands of vermin up to Alaska to dig through a vice-presidential candidate’s neighbor’s garbage.  But were duty bound to ignore the huge list of scandals associated with Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in the previous months.  See you, the average American, are a Deplorable.  Only the wise Chuck Todd is able to set the rules for journalism so that all you peons can be kept on the plantation.

“American democracy requires a functioning press that informs voters and creates a shared set of facts.”

Seriously?  Like the ‘facts’ Obama manipulated at every established branch of government, which had been trusted for years.  From manipulated jobs numbers at the Department of Labor to manipulations of climate data at NOAA to whatever happened for those 18 months when the national debt magically stopped.  I’ll hold my breath for your reporters getting to the ‘shared set of facts’ on those issues.  And the foolish audacity to pretend there is such a thing as unbiased facts.  In the immortal words of Will Ferrel playing Alex Trebek: “Simply stunning.”

“The idea that our work will speak for itself is hopelessly naive. Fox, Limbaugh, and the rest of the Trump echo chamber have proved that.”

I just love this eco chamber response to everything conservative.  I get it all the time, apparently it’s their only argument apart from “racist”.  And yet which perspective controls all the schools, all the colleges, NPR, PBS, and all the ‘responsible’ media outlets, Hollywood studios, magazines, books, TV shows.  It would be hard to construct a more complete echo chamber.  It’s like the squirrel in 1491 who could go from Florida to Main without touching the ground.  You can live your whole life without ever hearing a word from “Fox, Limbaugh and the rest”.  What you do hear is the echo chamber narrative that their listeners are all programmed robots.  As Todd malfunctions he repeats his J-school firmware programming.

“It recently allowed a sitting state attorney general to co-host a show for three days. The network effectively gave a GOP candidate for Florida governor nearly unfettered access to its airwaves during his primary campaign, providing a more significant boost than any super pac can offer.”

So you admit that TV shows are free airtime unregulated by the twisted McCain-Feingold legislation?  Hold on a second while I tally up the fawning-as-news for Obama, Hillary and every other Democrat.  This is a pretty amazing psychological projection.

“ Every day, we need to do our job, check our facts, strive to be transparent, and say what we’re seeing. That’s what I’ve tried to do here.”

Really?  Because I have not seen one fact here.  I have seen no restraint or objectivity or transparency. It’s just another commentary piece dressed up as poignancy, with the effect of endless belly laughter.

“I even caught myself drawing false equivalencies because I was afraid of being labeled as biased”

Don’t worry Chuck everyone knows you are biased and this insane piece of garbage is the final nail in your credibility.

“I’ve also learned that the louder critics bark, the more they care about what’s being reported.”

Well we shall take your barking for what it is then.  Concern that your pet projects are dead by the hand of Roger Ailes, Fox News and Rush Limbaugh.  We know who to call to dance on your grave.

“I’m not advocating for a more activist press in the political sense”

Yes because how is that even possible?  You shot your wad.  You fought the corrupt, deceitful, evil fight and now it’s all over but the massive over-eating and a gender transition, that you might be that fat lady who sings.   But you do look like more of a swan, singing.

“It means not allowing ourselves to be spun, and not giving guests or sources a platform to spin our readers and viewers”

Seriously?  After you leave the truth on the cutting room floor for a few sound bytes which clearly feed your bias, time and time and time and again.  You are going to attack new forms of media where people talk for three hours on AM radio or Youtube, thoroughly interviewing guest and working through issues, uncut?

“The truth is that most journalists, in newsrooms large and small across the country, are doing their best each day to be fair, honest, and direct. These values are what Americans demand of one another, and it should be what they demand of their media. The challenge for viewers and readers is this: Ask yourself why someone is so determined to convince you not to believe your lying eyes. “

This probably is true.  They are really this far gone.  They have never read anything from the other side, because their professors kept it from them.  I have met almost no college grads who have heard of Edmund Burke, G. K. Chesterton, William F. Buckley, Richard M. Weaver,  or Whittaker Chambers, much less actually read their works.  From the Fairness Doctrine to Shadow Banning to Demonetizing, you don’t use truth, you use government and corporate censorship.  The protections of the free press were aimed at you.  America has asked itself this question and it has found the simple answer, you don’t want us to have the truth.  This article and articles too many to count attempt to shut down all opposing viewpoints. And so you are out.  You are over.  You are a joke.

This is how liberal hackery dies.  With a whining list of all it’s faults posited as accusations against anyone who dares to question the groupthink.