Sodomy Laws

There seems to be a lot of confusion around the law in Uganda and the application of laws in general.  I recently heard Eric Metaxas mention that Uganda had a death penalty for sodomy which was wrong.  This is really amazing.   Their death pentalty is for agrivated sodomy, basically rape or transmission of STDs.  The death penalty for rape is controversial?  What is wrong with you? Should we give them the death penalty for having a death penalty?  

Whereas Metaxas doesn’t go as far as David French in the worship of pluralism, he is still confused.  Why is it ok and right that we don’t punish things which are clearly evil and have been considered criminal by most people groups for most of time?  It’s pluralism to allow pride parades, but it’s not pluralism to let a small African country pass whatever laws they want?  As Kamala Harris says it’s a bigger country (Russia/USA) attacking a smaller country (Ukraine/Uganda), so basically that’s wrong.  In this case it is wrong, but not because of the size.  

Criminializing sodomy is not a human rights abuse.  Sodomy is a human abuse every time it happens.  It is destructive physically and in every other way.  And a culture which supports this is not healthy.  No healthy sane countries legalize sodomy.  Where is the proof that countries that legalize it become more prosperous?  It is the most blatant form of unfruitfulness.  Looking for butt babies, seriously?  Is this that hard to understand?

Metaxas rightly points out that the basis for rejecting racism can only be found in the Christian God.  By whose authority do secularist reject racism? What is their standard? Of course they don’t have one, other than the peer pressure of other evil people around them.  But is this point by Metaxas just a cheap ploy to play to the sentiments of our people who are currently obsessed with race?  Because this same standard applies to all the other laws too, including sodomy laws.  Imposing things on people is what laws do.  If you are not using God’s laws as a basis for your laws, whose standard are you using?  There is only one other option, that is evil.  Just because groups of people agree on it doesn’t make that standard more valid.  This is God’s world, Christ is reigning on hight at the right hand fo the father.  He and his people have passed sodomy laws for as far back as they could, about 1680 years.

Sodomy is illegal in 32 African countries, you know the one place where the gospel is currently growing.  It was illegal in our country until 2003. Did we have an improvement in morality since then?  Is human flourishing taking off because of this new found ‘freedom’?

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